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Find Your IP Address in Ubuntu Linux

Find Your IP Address in Ubuntu Linux

Using the Terminal

To find your IP address using the terminal, open a terminal window and type the following command:


This will display a list of network interfaces and their associated IP addresses. The IP address for your primary network interface will be listed next to the "inet" label.

Using the GUI

You can also find your IP address using the graphical user interface (GUI). To do this, open the System Settings application and navigate to the "Network" tab. Your IP address will be displayed in the "IPv4 Address" field.


If you are having trouble finding your IP address, you may need to check your network settings. To do this, open the System Settings application and navigate to the "Network" tab. Click on the "Wired" or "Wireless" tab (depending on your connection type) and then click on the "Edit" button.

In the "Edit Connection" window, make sure that the "IPv4" and "IPv6" settings are set to "Automatic". If they are not, change them to "Automatic" and click on the "Save" button.


Finding your IP address in Ubuntu Linux is a simple process. You can use either the terminal or the GUI to find your IP address. If you are having trouble finding your IP address, you can check your network settings to make sure that they are correct.
